Turquoise Mines Closing in China

Turquoise Mines Closing in China - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Turquoise and Pearl Drop Earrings

Turquoise is produced from a number of locations worldwide, notably in the southwest US, Egypt, Iran and Tibet with the largest supplier of the stone being China. With over 75% of the turquoise market coming out of China, jewelry makers stop and pay attention when they hear that the Chinese government has closed quite a few major mines and will be strictly supervising the production of several others. This mining moratorium has placed a halt on production in the Chinese provinces for a minimum of 3 years and quite possibly longer.

There are several reasons why the mines are closing and questions have been raised as to how it will affect the prices and availability of turquoise. Regardless of the mining closures, it is reassuring to know that since turquoise is a primary product of Fire Mountain Gems, it will continue to be readily available for our customers at sensible prices.
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