In-Home Jewelry Shows - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads
Pick a date that best fits your schedule, taking into consideration any events that are happening in your area so you're not competing with other venues. Check with friends to see if they like the date you chose, too (they might remember the pot-luck dinner the high school band is hosting that wasn't on your calendar).
Once the date is set, determine how many people the home you'll be hosting in can accommodate, keeping in mind not only the space itself but also the amount of jewelry you have available for sale. A good guideline to follow is one or two pieces for each person attending.
Once you have a sense of how many people you'd like to invite, decide how you'd like to invite them. One option is to create a postcard or flyer to mail to friends and neighbors, circulate through the schools and/or display in local coffee shops. You may also opt to send an evite through an invitation service online. There are many advertising methods, the important thing is to get the word out and to make the details as clear as possible when you do. Use a font that is easy to read at a glance and embellish the borders with images of jewelry and beads to grab people's attention. Here's an example of a typical postcard or flyer.
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