Look at What I Found: Mosaic shell Mirror by MosaicSignature on Zibbet

Mosaic shell Mirror by MosaicSignature on Zibbet

Mosaic shell Mirror

Truly exquisite. It just might be nice for the bathroom even if you don't own a beach house.



  1. This is lovely! We're hoping to move to the seaside soon, and this would work beautifully.

  2. It's now on sale. 15% off until the end of May.

  3. First I would like to say thank you so very much for you kind words. I do so enjoy my work and I am so pleased that you like this piece. I did see myself sitting by the ocean and could almost hear the waves rolling while I was making this mirror. It would look lovely in any room and would sure to make you feel like you were on vacation at the beach every day. Thanks again.


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